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Okino Computer Graphics

NuGraf Rendering System 1.1a
Category VRML Authoring Application and File Format Converter
Type Demo (see Notes)
Platforms Win3.1, Win95, WinNT
VRML Support VRML 1.0 and 2.0
Folder nrs
Information products.htm
Installation Win3.1, Win95, WinNT See nrs/demos.htm
Comments Okino NuGraf is a powerful VRML authoring application that also provides photo-realistic rendering and file format conversion. The application enables you to create shapes, then place, orient, and scale them within the world. An extensive set of material dialog boxes enable you to control shape color and texture. Help information is provided throughout.

Notes The version of Okino's NuGraf on this CD-ROM is a demo. It is fully functional, but when it saves VRML files, it intentionally drops every 5th face from face sets. This creates holes in your shapes. To gain full functionality, you should purchase the application from Okino.

PolyTrans 1.0a
Category VRML Authoring Application and File Format Converter
Type Demo (see Notes)
Platforms DOS, SGI, Sun, Win3.1, Win95, WinNT
VRML Support VRML 1.0 and 2.0
Folder polytran
Information products.htm
Installation DOS, SGI, Sun, Win3.1, Win95, WinNT See polytran/demos.htm
Comments Okino PolyTrans is a VRML authoring environment that also provides extensive file format conversion. PolyTrans is a simplified version of Okino's NuGraf product.

Notes The version of Okino's PolyTrans on this CD-ROM is a demo. It is fully functional, but when it saves VRML files, it intentionally drops every 5th face from face sets. This creates holes in your shapes. To gain full functionality, you should purchase the application from Okino.

NuGraf Rendering System 1.1 Textures
Category Texture Images
Type Sampler
Platforms Any
VRML Support N/A
Folder textures
Information The folder contains a set of sample JPEG and TIF texture images that are supplied with the NuGraf demo application.
Installation N/A

Okino NuGraf comes with a large set of sample JPEG textures that you can use to texture map your shapes. This is an important added value provided by Okino and one we have highlighted by placing a copy of the textures in the textures folder.

Product description copyright (c) 1997, Ames / Nadeau / Moreland.
Product material copyright (c) 1988-1996, Okino Computer Graphics, Inc., All rights reserved.